You perform a search using the advanced filter for a rich text field and the result is not correct. A rich text field supports formatting and styling information like font size, color, etc.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Workcenter ABC (ABC refers to the name of the Workcenter)
Open view DEF (DEF refers to the name of the View)
Click on the button "advanced filter"
Search for a value in a rich text field
Execute the search
The result is not correct
For the search in a rich text field it is not enough just to enter the value in the field, it is needed to send the entire formatting and styling with the text so that the basic search is working.
As for now when you search for a value in a rich text field, you get no result. This is actual system behavior.
Advanced Filter, Rich Text, Search, no result, , KBA , AP-RC-MOB-UIF , Responsive UI , Problem