SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2818612 - How to add fields in Manage Employee Group


  • How to add fields in Manage Employee Group?
  • Customs fields are not available in People Pool option in Manage Employee Group;

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Admin Center;
  2. Update User Information;
  3. Manage Employee Groups;
  4. Select an existing group or click to create a new one;
  5. You have noted that some fields that are available in Manage Permission Group, are not available in the People Pool;

In the example below, the options Customizable field 10 and Customizable field 15 are not available in People Pool:



  • The field you wanted to add is not a supported field on the Manage Employee Groups
  • In order for these fields to be accessible to the groups definition tool, the field permissions must be configured in the Succession Data Model as viewable by all (also known as "star readable" fields).


Check first if the field you wanted to add is amongst the list of the supported fields -> 2088248 - The My Groups Feature in SuccessFactors

Once you have confirmed that the field you want to add is a supported field, you can proceed with two options in adding the needed field permission:

  • Modify the fields via BCUI 
  • Engage SAP Support or your partner to update the Data Model via Provisioning


To update the field you'd like to see on Manage Employee Groups, there should be an element/field permission. You can set up either read or write permission on this. To update, you can do the following:

  1. Go to Manage Business Configuration -> Employee Profile -> Standard.
  2. Choose whichever element you'd like to configure. 
  3. Click Take Action
  4. On the Element Permission section, click either Read or Write (depending on the restriction you want to set up). Read should be sufficient. 
  5. And on the Role Type, put * ("star readable" fields which means the permission is for everyone). 
  6. After, the field should already appear on the Manage Employee Groups. 

Kindly note that there might be some delay from when it gets reflected on the system. It would be advisable to run a metadata refresh, log out, and log back in.

Moreover, you can also restrict the fields exposed in My Groups by explicitly listing the field ID's to expose. After providing the necessary element permissions as from above steps:

  1. On Manage Business Configuration page still, go to Filters
  2. Under Filters, select Dynamic Group Filters then DGFilters
  3. Take Action and add My Filters then click Details
  4. On there, you can add the fields you want to see on Manage Employee Group.

By doing this, even if the field have element permission as from above instruction, they wouldn't be listed on the Manage Employee Group if they are not added here.


If you do not have a partner that can do the below changes on your data model, submit a ticket to LOD-SF-PLT-DYG with the following information:

  • CompanyID:
  • Support Access:
  • Approval to change data model: [Company Name] approves the changes in data model to turn available custom field in Manage Employee Groups.

If you are a partner, please, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Data Model from Provisioning;
  2. Search for <description>Allow Everyone to read and write</description> or <description>Allow everyone to read non-sensitive data</description> in the data model;
  3. We need to add or edit the parameter below after the parameter informed above (<description>Allow Everyone to read and write</description> or <description>Allow everyone to read non-sensitive data</description>):

<element-permission type="write">
<description>Allow Everyone to read and write</description>


  1. After that, we need to add the fields we would like to see in Manage Employee Groups, in our example are Custom 10 and 15:

<element-permission type="write">
<description>Allow Everyone to read and write</description>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom01"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom02"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom03"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom04"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom05"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom06"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom07"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom08"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom09"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom11"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom12"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom13"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom14"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="city"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="state"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom10"/>
<standard-element-ref refid="custom15"/>

  1. Import the Data Model in Provisioning;

Additional Note: If "Dynamic Groups" <dg-filters> is enabled in the Data Model file, the custom field should be also included here <standard-element-ref refid="custom15"/>

See Also

2088248 - The My Groups Feature in SuccessFactors


Custom field not being shown, dynamic group, groups, manage employee groups, group, fields, BCUI, LOD-SF-PLT-DYG, PLT, SF, successfactors   , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-DYG , Dynamic Groups (My Groups - Not RBP) , LOD-SF-PLT-PRV , Provisioning Changes , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions