On editing the price value under ticket's item facet in fiori client an error Enter a Valid Number is trigger.
SAP Cloud for Customer .
Reproducing the Issue
Logon in your system using Fiori Client.
Go to the Service work center.
Go to the Tickets view.
Search for ticket LMN (where LMN represents the ticket id) and open it.
Go to the Items facet and click on the edit button.
Change the price value from XX.YY to XX,YY (where XX and YY represents the numberic value) and click on the save button.
An error Enter a Valid Number is trigger.
You are chaging the format, which is not matching your company setting.
Logon in Fiori Client.
Go to the Company Setting->My Setting.
Here go to Regional Setting tab.
Here, under the Decimal Notation you need to change your format accordingly, if you need to XX,YY instead of XX.YY.
Save the Changes.
My Setting , Ticket Item Price , Regional Setting , KBA , decimal notation , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , Problem
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