You are running an OData query with a Datetimeoffset filter and it results in the following error:
"Issue occurred during query execution in TREX : attribute value is not a number".
- SAP Sales Cloud
- SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
In Google Chrome, open an URL like: 'https://my<tenantid>$format=json&$filter=CreationOn ge datetimeoffset'2019-01-00T00:00:00Z''
Enter the required credentials
Error: "Issue occurred during query execution in TREX : attribute value is not a number"
Such an error occurs when you enter an invalid date like '2019-01-00' for Datetimeoffset, where '00' for day is not acceptable.
Please correct the values for Datetimeoffset to enable a working query.
See Also
datetimeoffset, odata, attribute value is not a number , KBA , AP-RC-ODF , OData framework (C4C Only) , AP-RC-ODF-BYD , OData Framework and Console (ByD) , Problem
SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions