- CHKPOINT WRKR (checkpoint worker) process hanging waiting for I/O
- No I/O activities from the sysprocesses for the CHECKPOINT
dbcc stacktrace on the CHECKPOINT show the following stack if the "trunc log on chkpt" is enable on the database.
Start dbcc stacktrace...
pc: 0x0000000001f522d7 upsleepgeneric+0x517()
pc: 0x0000000001b2d77f cm__waitfor_io+0x53f()
pc: 0x0000000001b2c2ac cm_writedes+0x6ec()
pc: 0x0000000001af23cf bufwritedes+0x8f()
[Handler pc: 0x0x0000000000c133fc des__errhdl installed by the following function:-]
pc: 0x0000000001b4c1ac des_checkpoint+0x7ec()
[Handler pc: 0x0x0000000000f3e651 hdl_backout_msg installed by the following function:-]
pc: 0x00000000019065fb checkpoint+0x76b()
[Handler pc: 0x0x0000000000b7bddf dpdb_handle installed by the following function:-]
pc: 0x0000000001ad8293 dmpx_truncatemain+0x2b3()
[Handler pc: 0x0x00000000009024e0 ckptproc_backout installed by the following function:-]
pc: 0x00000000015d4c92 ckpt_process_dbs+0x422()
pc: 0x0000000000902af1 ckptworker+0x252()
dbcc stacktrace finished.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
Sybase, ASEServer, SAPASE, dataserver, checkpoint, chkpoint, worker, wrkr, hang, block,818342,CR 818342 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , Problem
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