Add new attribute assignmentIdExternal in User API
SuccessFactors OData API
New field assignmentIdExternal has been added to OData USER API entity. Below is the properties:
- Default value of assignmentIdExternal field will be same as UserId field.
- assignmentIdExternal is not a required field.
- If you include assignment ID when you create a user/import new employee(s), please note you can populate different values for userId and assignment id external.
- assignmentIdExternal can only be changed using the convertAssignmentIdExternal function import.
How to enable assignmentIdExternal?
- Field would not be enabled by default. Field needs to be enabled via Succession DataModel
How to change value for assignmentIdExternal field value?
- You can use the convertAssignmentIdExternal function import to change the assignment ID of a user.
What permission needs to be granted to API user so that changes can be done?
- Manage User -> Change Assignment ID
How to change the assignment ID of a single user?
- HTTP Method: GET
- URI: https://<API-Server>/odata/v2/convertAssignmentIdExternal?oldAssignmentIdExternal='abc123'&newAssignmentIdExternal='xyz456'
NOTE: oldAssignmentIdExternal and newAssignmentIdExternal are required parameters.
How to update assignment_id_external for multiple users?
$BATCH can be used to change assignment IDs of multiple users in one request. The maximum number of entries allowed in a batch request is 180.
Error Codes for function import?
HTTP Code |
Code |
Message |
Solution |
400 |
[COE0020] The ‘Change Assignment ID’ role-based permission is required. |
Grant user the Change Assignment ID permission in RBP. |
400 |
[COE0042]Parameter oldAssignmentIdExternal is missing. Please check required parameters in Admin Center > OData API Data Dictionary and add the required parameters in API request. |
Add the required parameter and value. |
400 |
[COE0018]We cannot find the user (old). |
Check if the old assignment ID exists in the company. |
400 |
[COE0018]The new ID (new) has already been used. |
Set a new assignment ID. |
400 |
[COE0018]The user (old) is not in the target population of the ‘Change Assignment ID’ permission that you have. |
Set a proper target population for permission Change Assignment ID in RBP. |
400 |
[COE0018]Failed to update the ID (old). |
Unknown exceptions. Contact your system admin for help. |
Assignment ID, convertAssignmentIdExternal, function Import, COE0018, COE0020, COE0042 , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , How To