SUM stops in phase PREP_INIT/INIT_CNTRANS_PRE with the following message:
Mapping of Table Classes to Container
1. I corrected the inconsistencies. Repeat the check
2. Ignore the inconsistencies
There is no error found in the relevant log files(for example, SAPup.log and INICNTPRE.LOG).
System is using Tablespace Pools.
SAP on IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows with Tablespace Pools
Software Update Manager (SUM) 1.0 SP23 or 2.0 SP05
INIT_CNTRANS_PRE, Mapping of Table Classes to Container, inconsistencies , KBA , BC-DB-DB6-UPG , Upgrade SAP System , BC-UPG-RDM , README: Upgrade Supplements , Problem
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