SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2821701 - How values are determined in Report:Earned Value Analysis by Project Structure


You want to know how the values of the columns Budget at completion, Actual cost and Planned values are determined.


SAP Business ByDesign


1.Budget at Completion (BAC)

These are the planned costs (work, material and expenses) for every task. But these costs are taken from the baseline, not from the project.also its not current active baseline, its the baseline that was active as on snapshot date.

 If there are two snapshots on a day then only the last snapshot date and time is taken to check the  active baseline at that time cause only one date  wil appear in the report.

also you will see current date as snapshot date in addition to snapshot dates  as long as planned end date is in future.

2.Actual cost

When project is a customer project with sales order involvement where all expenses should be assigned to sales order items only then the Actual cost will reflect in this report.

These are the actual costs (work, material and expenses) that were available at the point of time when the snapshot was taken.

3. Planned value

 It is the time-base proportion of the Budget of Completion. Means: If 50 % of the planned time frame of the task is over the planned value corresponds to 50 % of the Budget of Completion. It has nothing to do with the planned costs of the project. This is the reason why it is called "Planned Value" and not "Planned Costs". In contrast to the Planned Value the Earned Value is calculated based on the Budget of Completion and the selected PoC Type (e.g.Work Proportional).


Budget at completion, Actual cost, Planned values,Planned cost,Snapshot,Baseline , KBA , budget at completion , actual cost , planned values , planned cost , SRD-PRO-PMN , Project Management , AP-PRO , Project Processing , Problem


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