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2822127 - Mitigate Risk from Access Request does not give option to change system, username and other fields like org rule id in GRC Access Control


After running risk analysis on an access request, when mitigate risk option is selected, some fields like system, user name and org rule id are greyed out and Approver is unable to change the system for example and make mitigation assignment. The system field is now greyed out with * chosen. Is there an option to make this field editable so a system can be selected and the mitigation is assigned for that system?



  • GRC Access Control 10/10.1/12
  • Access Risk Analysis
  • Access Request Administration


SAP Access Control 10.0 ; SAP Access Control 10.1 ; SAP Access Control 12.0


KBA , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , Problem

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