SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2824032 - How to find Approval status for a particular Approval Process


There is a need to find out approvals, expiration, pending, and/or denied status for a specific approval process.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS)


The system does not have a specific built-in report to filter off an Approval Process. A combination of two reports can be used to get the desired data.

  1. Proceed to Learning Administration
  2. Go to Reports
  3. Run the Approval Process Data report with the Approval Process set as the filter
  4. The finished report will have all items that have this particular Approval Process
  5. Proceed back to the Reports section and choose the Approval Status (CSV) report
  6. Use the Item filter to specify the items that were pulled back through the Approval Process report
  7. If the report times out, use the other filters of the report to simplify the query to bring back less data


report approval process items pending denied approved expired figure out find what how sf lms , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , How To


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