SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2827309 - Notify Calibration Participants to Submit Ratings Email Notification - Calibration


This article explains how the "Notify Calibration Participants to Submit Ratings" works and when to use it.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Calibration


  • The "Notify Calibration Participants to Submit Ratings" email notification is used to alert a manager of the upcoming calibration session and notifies them that the form has yet to be routed to the designated step.
  • When an administrator or facilitator validates a session, they may see the error that some forms have not been routed to the designated step.
  • If they choose, they can e-mail the managers of those users to request that the forms be routed to the appropriate step.
  • This feature is helpful if you don’t want to auto-route the forms at this point in time, but you still want the process to move forward.

E-mail Notification Template Settings

Go to Email Notification Template Settings > Enable the "Notify Calibration Participants to Submit Ratings" notification:

email template.png

The Email Subject and Email Body can be amended.  The only tokens supported for this notification are [[SESSION_NAME]] and [[SIGNATURE]]

email template 2.png

If forms have not been auto-routed to the designated Calibration step, while the session is in Setup mode the Admin/Facilitator will see the "Request Routing" notification button under the Validation tab:

request routing button.png

  • If they click on the button, this email template pops up in a new window and the default notification template will display. 
  • It is possible to modify the To/Subject/Body of the email. 
  • You may also opt out of sending the email within that window:

 request routing popup.png

See Also

Calibration Admin Guide - Managing E-mail Notification Settings


Calibration, Notify, Participants, Submit, Ratings, Template, Request Routing, Email, Notification, Participants, Managers , KBA , LOD-SF-CAL-EML , Emails, Notification & Alerts , LOD-SF-CAL , Calibration Module , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions