SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2827837 - The price in last PO is not picked up in Manage purchase Orders


If a Purchase Order is created in the S/4Hana system using the 'Create Purchase Order - Advanced' webgui tile, under certain circumstances, the system will retrieve an item value from the last Purchase Order (for the specific combination of Purchase Org, Supplier and Material). If the Purchase Order is created for the same combination in the APP 'Manage Purchase Orders', the value from the last Purchase Order is not picked up.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition All versions

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open the 'Create Purchase Order - Advanced' webgui tile.
  2. Create a Purchase Order for a combination of Supplier and Material, that does not yet have a Purchasing Info record.
  3. Before saving the document go to the item Material Data TAB and set the 'Info Update' flag and manually enter a net price in the item. 
  4. Save the Purchase Order.
  5. Repeat the steps using the 'Create Purchase Order - Advanced' webgui tile.  (The Price from the last PO is brought into the new PO being created)
  6. Repeat the steps using the 'Manage Purchase Orders' APP.  (No Price is picked up) 


In the 'Manage Purchase Orders' APP a 'Net Price' can only be retrieved via automatic pricing or it can be added manually in the PO item during the create procedure.


The condition master data can be added to the Purchasing info record via the webgui tile, 'Change Purchasing Info Record' or condition master data can be created via the webgui tile 'Change Price Conditions, Set Tax Rates - Purchasing'. If valid condition master data exists it will be picked up by the automatic pricing in 'Manage Purchase Orders'.

See Also

FAQ Note 456691


COND_PROCESS, CL_PO_HANDLER_MM, PO_PRICE, BAPI_PO_PRICE, MEPO_KOND_COPY_BEST, MM06EFKO_KOND_COPY, ekpo-netpr , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-PO , Fiori UI for Purchase Orders , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions