SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2829420 - Unable to create delivery in STO error VL367


In the Public Cloud environment you have created a Stock Transport Order according to the best practises outlined in Scope item 1P9. When you try to create a delivery for the STO you get an availability error  about a deficiency of stock. 'An item with no delivery quantity is not permitted. Item will be deleted'. Error message VL367


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition All versions

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a Stock Transport Order 
  2. Open the webgui tile "My Purchase Order - Due for Delivery" (VL10B) 
  3. Select the Stock Transport Order
  4. Execute the delivery creation in the background 
  5. The posting fails with error VL367 


In the Stock transport order the system carries out an availability check of the stock in the issuing plant and issuing storage location. If there is no stock available there, the system correctly issues the error message VL367. In the public cloud it is not possible to maintain an issuing storage location in the purchase order item, so it is determined from SD customising when the delivery is being created.


Check the stock levels in both the receiving and issuing plant and storage locations before creating the delivery. If you have more than one storage location, you have to make sure that the stock on the issuing side is sufficient in the default storage location defined in the customising. You can define the default issuing storage location via SSCUI 102130 
(APP manage your solution) Alternatively, if you are receiving this error, you can transfer the required quantity of stock to the relevant storage location using the webgui tile 'post goods receipt' (MIGO) using movement type 311 transfer posting.

See Also

Scope item 1P9


SD_STORAGE_LOCATION_DETERMINE, TVKOL, VL10B, My Purchase Order Due for Delivery, LAGERORT_ERMITTELN, LGORT, VL 367, VL367. , KBA , MM-PUR-GF-STO , Stock Transfer , LE-SHP-DL , Delivery Processing , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions