genericNumber1 field for Finland, Netherlands or Belgium is not appearing on Global information UI.
SAP Successfactors Employee Central: Global Information
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Global Information
- 'genericNumber1' field is missing for Finland, Netherlands or Belgium
- Field will be missing in Global information UI, even if the field is in Personal Information block in PP3 and BCUI
From 1908 release, due to data protection and privacy, the 'genericNumber1' field will not be available for employees in countries Finland, Netherlands or Belgium in EC.
If the customer wants to maintain the data for the employee in EC, they need to migrate the same to a custom field and replicate the same to the payroll system.
If the customer has existing data they need to run Ad hoc report take the backup of the data and update in custom field.
NOTE: This field will be available only for the Dependent
genericNumber1, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, generic number, ECT-116319 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-PER-GLO , Global Info - Config, Rules, RBP, UI , Problem