Switch "Posting to specific Agencies (Warning: Once you enable this feature, you cannot disable it) is automatically enabled in 1908 Preview release without manual effort. You want to know if it is going to be the same in 1908 Production release and what changes this switch will bring to your instance.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management 1908
This switch has been available since 1905 in Provisioning. As this is a legacy Agency feature, once it was enabled in 1905 in Production, it will automatically be enabled in 1908 and it will not be possible to disable it. The system behavior is that, once this switch is enabled, it can never be disabled, neither from Provisioning not from the Admin Center, as it is a legacy Agency feature.
If the switch has been made in 1905 Production release, it will just be copied to 1908 Production release.
This is a functionality that will give you the option to post a job requisition to a specific Agency. If you have more than one Agency for example, you can decide to which one you want to post a job requisition and you will be able to see this information in the Recruiting tab after posting the job to an Agency. You will be able to see Agency Listings as a separate route category.
See Also
2537075 - Agency Posting not visible as a separate job posting category
Recruiting, Job Postings, Agency Listings, Add Agencies, selecting preferable agencies, multiple agencies , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , Problem