When opening a contract via the Manage Purchase Contracts app or by another app which will redirect to the Manage Purchase Contracts app, system issues the message: "Could not open app. Please try again later."
The error bellow is also seen in the console of the developer tools of the browser:
Failed to resolve navigation target: "#PurchaseContract-display?AgreementNumber=XXXXXXXXXX" - Could not resolve navigation target sap.ushell.renderers.fiori2.Shell.controller
- SAP S/4HANA 1709
- SAP S/4HANA 1809
S4HANA, Fiori, Manage Purchase Contracts, app, Display Purchase Contract, advanced, ME33K, F1600A, navigation target, FIORI, Launchpad, Could not open app, Please try again later, contract, error, Failed to resolve navigation target, , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-SQ-CON , Fiori UI for Manage Purchase Contracts , Problem
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