Your requirement is to create Labor Resources in system using migration tool. During simulation of the migration file, you receive the below error:
Cost unit is not valid
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Select Implementation Projects view or Overview
- Search and Open the activity Migration of Labor Resources
- Select Migrate labor resources using the migration tool
- Select You Can Also at the top right corner of the screen and Download Migration Template
- Fill the required and the mandatory fields in the migration file
- Upload the Migration File
- Execute Migration for the respective Migration File with Migration Mode Add new records
- In the Simulation step, you receive the mentioned error
For the Resource XYZ, the Cost Rate and Cost Unit fields are left blank/ empty in the Valuation Cost Rates sheet of the migration file.
(where XYZ represents the Labor Resource ID in the migration file)
As per the standard behavior, system does not allow to maintain blank/empty Cost Rate and Cost Unit. If the purpose is to derive Cost Rate from the Service, then delimit existing Cost Rates of the Resources.
If no Cost Rate valuation is required from Resource XYZ from DD2.MM2.YYYY2, then delimit the validity to DD1.MM1.YYYY1 Thereafter, the system will use the Cost Rate from the Service.
Cost Rate, Cost Unit, Labor Resource, Cost Rate is zero, Cost Rate is empty, Cost Rate is blank, Supply Chain Design Master Data, Migration of Labor Resources, Cost unit is not valid , KBA , labor resource , cost unit is not valid , SRD-CC-MIG-DMC , Migration: Tool , Problem