- In a system with an active Enqueue Server 2 (ENSAv2), transaction SMENQ (enqueue server administration) shows the value of the field "Replication" as "Active (update pending)":
- The system log (SM21) shows a message ID "GOD" and "Replication suspended":
- The "dev_enq_server" trace file (on the ASCS work folder) has the following entries:
[date and time] [Thr 5068] EnqReplica: replication enabled
[date and time] [Thr 5068] EnqReplManager: connecting ER2 on er2-hostname:sapdpXX
[date and time] [Thr 5840] EnqReplManager: starting master thread
[date and time] [Thr 5840] ***LOG GOD=> SystemLog, ReplicaSuspended () [EnqSystemLog 86]
[date and time] [Thr 5840] EnqReplManager: repairing replication
[date and time] [Thr 5068] EnqReplManager: master channel NOT connected (8.1 seconds)
- SAP NetWeaver based system
- ABAP Platform based system
- ASCS running with the Standalone Enqueue Server v2 (ENSAv2)
- Enqueue Replication server
ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions
KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , Problem
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