When Fiori Launchpad is opened, views with the same name (for example, CustomTile2.view.xml and CustomTile2.view.xml) are loaded correctly but only a controller is loaded (for example, CustomTile2.controller.js). Hence, only a dynamic tile is loaded with data. Refreshing the page allows the other dynamic tile to get the data as well.
The expected behaviour is that the data are retrieved for both dynamic tiles when the Fiori Launchpad is loaded the first time.
SAPUI5 1.52.28
NW for S4Hana onpremise 1709 SP 2
SAP Fiori Front-end server 4.0 SP 2
sap.m, sap.suite.ui.microchart, sap.suite.ui.commons , KBA , CA-FLP-FE-UI , SAP Fiori Launchpad User Interface , Problem
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