You are able to create a supplier invoice with net value/quantity more than that in preceding Purchase Order document/ delivery document.But system is throwing exception when you are trying to post the invoice.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Supplier Invoicing work center
- Select view Invoice Entry
- Select "All Orders to be Invoiced" or "All Deliveries to be Invoiced"
- Search for respective purchase order/delivery document for which you are trying to create an invoice
- Select New Supplier invoice
- Create an invoice and manually edit the net amount/quantity in the invoice
- You are able to edit the net amount manually
- But exception is raised when you try to post the invoice:"The total gross amount differs from the sum of the subtotal and the total tax amounts. You need to adjust these amounts so that the balance is zero."
The net value/ qauntity is not matching with the preceding document.
You can either correct the net amount by selecting Actions-> Calculate Total Amount in supplier invoice.
To allow/restrict certain price variance, tolerance value can be maintained in the "Supplier Invoice Exceptions" fine tuning activity in Business Configuration.
Tolerance value, price variance, supplier invoice exceptions, total gross amount , KBA , AP-SIP-SIV , Supplier Invoice , Problem