SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2834270 - Sales Documents - Line Items Report Shows no Data For Employee Account Assignment


You run the report Sales Documents - Line Items and notice that the column Employee (Account Assignment) does not show data for some source documents.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Analytics work center.
  2. Go to the Design Reports view.
  3. Open the report: Sales Documents - Line Items (FINPRFU24_Q0001).
  4. Run the report for the respectives Company, Set of Books and Accounting Period/Year.
  5. Bring in the column: Project Task, Source Document ID and Employee (Account Assignment).
  6. Add the filters Project Task and search for the project task ID: XXX (XXX stands for the project task ID).

You notice that for some Source Documents, the data for the column Employee (Account Assignment) is # (Not assigned).


The report Sales Documents - Line Items (FINPRFU24_Q0001) fetches the data Employee (Account Assignment) from the FIA_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT and its associated Journal Entry.

If the source document and its associated Journal Entry does not have employee maintained, the column Employee (Account Assignment) has no data.


For the Employee (Account Assignment) data to show in the report, make sure that the employee data is maintained.


Sales Documents - Line Items, Report, Employee Account Assignment. , KBA , SRD-FIN-ANA , Analytics Content , Problem


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