When checking in an Excel chapter that contains a macro (i.e. .xlsm file), there is the following error
In the application server log, there is this error
2019-09-06 17:40:17.0453 [23] [ERROR] ==>
-------- Begin --------
ErrorID: 8b39b6e8-7b34-4f56-a65f-2e1e0632cf85
Message: Extracting additional content information failed.
Source: cundus.enterpriseReporting.Services
Stack trace: at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Services.ReportService.SaveChapterContent(Int32 chapterid, Byte[] binaryObject, CheckInMode cim, String comment, Int32 position, Int32 part, Int32 partcount)
at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Web.WebServices.WDocumentService.setChapterContentXL(Int32 chapterid, Byte[] binaryObject, CheckInMode cim, String user, String comment, Int32 position, Int32 part, Int32 partcount, Int32 lcid)
-------- End --------
Note: this only happens when the Excel report is linked to an iXBRL instance (e.g. ESEF or US SEC)
Disclosure Management 10.1
SAP Disclosure Management 10.1
err(0) , KBA , EPM-DSM-GEN , DM core functionalities , Problem
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