SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2836575 - Time Reports Error Duration Should Not Exceed 24 Hours


When submitting a Time Report for approval, the message Error Message Duration Should Not Exceed 24 Hours appears.

The message also appears if the C4C system is using the Auto-Submit to approval feature.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Time Reports work center
  2. Create a Time Report.
  3. Click to Submit it for Approval (if the feature Auto-Submit is activated you just need to save the Time report without sending it to approval).
  4. The following error message appears Error Duration Should Not Exceed 24 Hours.


This message is correct and will appear for the following scenarios.

  • When you Import Time Entries to Time Reports.
  • When you Submit for Approval a Time Report, error message raises.


To avoid the message, please make sure that the following points are checked;

  • For a single time entry, duration should not exceed 24 hours.
  • For one person, total duration of time entries in one day should not exceed 24 hours.


Time Entires; 24 hours; Message; , KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions