Replication on a table stops with messages like:
- Message: 1036, State 0, Severity 5
-- '[ statement ][ SRV.DB.TBL ] OCIBindParam ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
OR - Msg 1036, Level 16, State 0:
Server 'SRV', Line 1:
ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
Command has been aborted.
(0 rows affected)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) all versions
- Sybase Enterprise Connect Data Access (ECDA) all versions
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Replication Server all versions ; Sybase Enterprise Connect Data Access all versions
1036, CR 756343, 756343, illegal , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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