Stop words define a list of words that are not indexed to RMK.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Marketing
Currently, RMK Search Engine does not support a list of words like "NO", "IT", "IS", "OR", etc. These terms are known as "RMK Stop Words" that cannot be searched for in Solr, and any of the searchable indexes in RMK.
This means that if you try to search for a job using any of those words, the search results will return "0" or all the jobs posted on the RMK site. The same will happen if you set any of those words to a field in RCM and map it to RMK.
Please find below the list of stop words in RMK:
a | also | an | and | any | am | are | as | at | be |
but | by | can | did | do | does | find | for | from | get |
got | has | has | have | how | i | i'm | if | in | into |
is | it | it's | its | like | no | not | of | on | or |
should | so | such | than | that | the | their | then | there | these |
they | this | to | too | want | was | were | what | when | where |
whether | which | who | whose | why | will | with | would |
If you would like to use any of the above words in a RMK field, please submit an Enhancement Request.
See Also
2090228 - How to submit enhancement requests for SAP SuccessFactors products
stop words, not index, rmk , KBA , LOD-SF-RMK-INT , Int with RCM, Data Mapping, AwLi, Multilocation posting , How To