Instance Sync ignored MDF Object from the sync with Response Code: "ADMIN_INST_SYNC_MDF_OBJDEF_SYNC_IGNORED" and with below details message:
Details: "Sync of Core MDF Object Definitions is ignored as Source and Target Releases are different."
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Instance Synchronization Wizard;
- Create and launch a sync with MDF Objects to an instance on another release (between preview and production);
- Go to Instance Synchronization Monitor Tool;
- Click Details;
- Click Download Report;
- Check on the Report and the MDF Objects will be show as IGNORED and with codes and details described on Symptom above.
The instances need to be on the same release to be able to sync MDF Objects as they might be different between two releases.
If the instances are on the same release, it would means that there is an issue on the tool and an case is needed to investigate it.
As a workaround while the Instances Sync is not a possibility to migrate the MDF objects you can manually migrate it by following the steps below:
- It will require that any Object Definition changed or created on the Source instance to be manually done on the target instance;
- With the Object Definitions migrated, you need to Export the MDF Object data following the KBA 2277155;
- With the data from the export, you might need some correction on the file to match the import format (if object definition is not matching due to different releases);
- You need to import the MDF Object data file as referred on this KBA 2277994;
If both instances are in the same version and you still facing the error ADMIN_INST_SYNC_MDF_OBJDEF_SYNC_IGNORED, please, open an case under the component LOD-SF-PLT-IST with below:
Timestamp and Data center or URL for Both instance
- Customer Name:
- Source CompanyID:
- Target CompanyID:
- Support Access to access both environment:
- step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce step or Video
- RBP (Role base Permission) Role name for User ID of logged in user when error occurred
- Which are the objects you are trying to sync?
- Attach the report about the last sync you have tried to do:
FAQ - Additional Information
Q) Where can I get information on this from the Guide?
See Also
- 2088055 - SuccessFactors Instance Synchronization Feature Guide & Need to Know Information
- 2596770 - Pre-delivered MDF objects throws an error on Instance Sync Tool
- 2277508 - SuccessFactors Cloud Manual Instance Refresh Process & FAQ
- 2313764 - Post Instance Refresh - Employee Central Considerations & FAQ
Instance Synchronization, source, target , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-IST , Instance Sync Tool , LOD-SF-EC-ADM , Admin Tools (EC Core only) , LOD-SF-MDF , Metadata Framework , Problem