You are using SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering ( DT) and you are bulk loading a large amount of data to either an extended store table or multi-store table. You run out of disk space on the es_log volume during the load or observe a very large amount of disk space is being consumed on the es_log volume after the load is completed. The size of the log files generated during the load may be several multiples (e.g., 10x or more) of the actual amount of data being loaded.
If you ran out of disk space, you may receive the following error message from your ETL tool or client application that is performing the bulk load:
An IO error was encountered while writing a database page in DBSpace. Please check your IQ message file for additional information.
SAP HANA Dynammic Tiering 2.0
KBA , HAN-DYT , SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering , Problem
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