SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2841759 - 'Number of Team Members' - column under Group Goals


What value under 'Number of Team Members' is displayed?

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


Goal Managment

Reproducing the Issue

1. Navigate to the Goal Plan of the user that has direct reports and matrix reports. Make sure that the amount of the direct and matrix reports are different. 
2. Create a Group Goal
3. Select the Goal and chose 'Assign' option under 'Action' menu
4. In the pop-up window there will be the following sections:

Recipient Hierarchy - which contain the list of the direct reports under the manager's name 
Matrix Hierarchy - which contain the list of the matrix reports under the manager's name  

5. Check the value under 'Number of Team Members Column' for the manager 

Results: The value is the same in both sections


The value in 'Number of Team Members Column' displays the number of direct reports. 

Matrix Hierarchy.png


This is an expected behaviour. However, under the 'Matrix Hierarchy' section all matrix reports will be displayed.


Goal Management, Matrix Hierarchy, Number of Team Members Column, Group Goals, Assign Group Goal, Objective Management Group Objectives , KBA , LOD-SF-GM-GG , Group Goals & Team Goals , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1905