SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2841949 - Missing buttons in the Comments group in Analysis ribbon


In the Comments group in Analysis ribbon, there are some buttons missing and only the "Save Comments" button is displayed, as shown below:

Missing buttons.png

The Comments group should look like in the below screenshot (e.g. including buttons "New Comment", "Delete" and "Show/Hide Comment"):

Comments buttons.png


Analysis for Microsoft Office, Excel for Office 365


Excel for Office 365 have two kind of comments: the new threaded comments, and the old ones, now called "Notes". More information can be found in Microsoft's page "The difference between threaded comments and notes".

The Analysis Office comments feature works only in conjunction with the old comments (now "Notes"). It is not possible to use threaded comments and use them as e.g. BW comments in AO.

Analysis Office creates its Comment's ribbon group with one own button ("Save Comments") and three Excel native buttons, that can also be found in Excel's Review ribbon.

These native buttons are suddenly gone depending on the Excel version.


The issue has been fixed in MS Office Version 1903 (Build 11425). See Microsoft's page "Update history for Microsoft 365 Apps (listed by date)".

Therefore, in order to solve/avoid this issue, consider the following options:

  • Option #1: Upgrade MS Office to version 1903 (Build 11425) or higher;
  • Option #2: Change the Excel channel to Monthly Channel. This will automatically update MS Office to a higher version;
  • Option #3: Go back to an older version of Excel - See Microsoft's page "How to revert to an earlier version of Office"

Workaround: Use the native buttons of Excel in the Review ribbon.

See Also

Microsoft's page: Insert comments and notes in Excel


365, missing, group, comments, excel, office, ribbon, buttons , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions