When you start SUM URL, the page will be stoped with the error as below:
The information of the text displayed in XML format are:
Dialog fragment cannot be instantiated.|Cannot add direct child without default aggregation defined for control SUMControls.RadioButton|<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:sum="SUMControls" xmlns:app=""><VBox id="AskStackConfig" app:sumid="AskStackConfig" app:diagtime="20190926110044"><sum:Docu db="HDB" loio="995f0691f4ea40d087d5cde2cc719258"/><sum:DiagTitle text="Welcome to Software Update Manager"/><VBox id="MainGroup" app:sumid="MainGroup"><VBox id="WelcomeGroup" app:sumid="WelcomeGroup"><FormattedText htmlText=" <p> Important information for this program is included in <strong><a href="" target="SAPNOTE2742706">SAP Note 2742706</a></strong> and further SAP Notes mentioned therein. Read the current version before you start preparing the procedure and check the SAP Note again for changes before you start the procedure. </p> "/></VBox><VBox id="CategoryGroup" app:sumid="CategoryGroup"><Title text="Specify the Scenario Category"/><RadioButtonGroup id="StackChoice" app:sumid="StackChoice" selectedIndex="0"><buttons><sum:RadioButton value="stackfile" text="Scenario using Stack Configuration File" enables="StackChoiceGroup" selected="true" defaulted="true"><sum:Hint><FormattedText htmlText=" <p><strong>Scenarios like (some potentially with DMO):</strong></p> <ul> <li>Update</li> <li>Upgrade</li> <li>System Conversion</li> <li>CISI</li> <li>Prerequisite Check</li> </ul> "/></sum:Hint></sum:RadioButton><sum:RadioButton value="nostackfile" text="No Stack Configuration File required for scenario"><sum:Hint><FormattedText htmlText=" <p><strong>Scenarios like:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Customer Transport Integration (CTI) only</li> <li>Database Migration Option (DMO) without System Update</li> <li>DMO with CTI only</li> <li>Benchmarking Tool</li> <li>Table Comparison Tool</li> </ul> "/></sum:Hint></sum:RadioButton></buttons></RadioButtonGroup><VBox id="StackChoiceGroup" app:sumid="StackChoiceGroup"><FormattedText htmlText=" <p>Enter a valid XML file:</p> "/><sum:InputBox><Label labelFor="StackFileInput" text="STACKFILE" required="true"/><sum:FileInput required="true" id="StackFileInput" app:sumid="StackFileInput" placeholder="STACKFILE" bwslash="false" endswith=".xml"/></sum:InputBox></VBox></VBox></VBox></VBox></core:FragmentDefinition>
Software Update Manager 2.0 SP06
software logistics toolset 1.0
Unexpected behavior, Dialog fragment cannot be instantiated, SUMControls.RadioButton, HTTP 400, 403, 404 , KBA , BC-UPG-SUI , Software Logistics User Interface Client , Problem
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