Different scenarios can be seen regarding field EKPO-MEPRF:
1.- EKPO-MEPRF is wrong in a Scheduling Agreement
2.- You create a purchase order with reference to a contract. Then you flag the contract item for deletion (set the EKPO-LOEKZ). If you use pricing date category = GR date (EKPO-MEPRF = 5) in the PO, it can happens that the system determines and uses the currently valid price from the contract and posts the GR using this price, even though the contract item is deleted. Also, if you carry out a new pricing in the PO after the contract item had been deleted, the system still finds the price from the deleted contract.
3.- There is no documentation for field 'Pr. Date Cat.', when it is set to 'No Control', the standard system behavior is not clear.
4.- You have set the Price Date Category to "5" (GR Date) in the Scheduling Agreement (SA) and the Purchasing Info Record (PIR). However during Goods Receipt, the system does not take the price maintained for the new validity period.
5.- The price control category is set to 5, but when run T-code MIRO, the price is not proposed as per goods receipt date, but as per delivery date of PO.
6.- During goods receipt, delivery condition value posted as per PO date instead of GR posting date. Moreover, the exchange rate conversion is wrong for freight costs.
7.- You have defined condition RL01 for a vendor and then used this vendor to create a scheduling agreement. When displaying the scheduling agreement via transaction code ME33L, you find that it is not taken into account in the net price.
8.- While creating goods receipt via transaction MIGO from purchase order, the price is adopted from PO, not the info record although pricing date control is set as '5' (GR Date).
9.- Version Management is enabled but the changes of Value are not getting updated in Net order value and Value change Field. By default its showing as zero value.
10.- While creating a new PO the document date is used unexpectedly as pricing date, although a different Price Date Category (e.g. Pr. Date Cat. = 2 - Delivery Date) has been maintained in the info record or vendor master. 'Invoice receipt indicator' is not set (e.g. in Stock transfer orders with document type UB.)
11.- In certain cases you can not edit price date category (EKPO-MEPRF) via ME32l in scheduling agreement - when and why?
- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
ECC, EKPO-MEPRF, MEPRF, Pr. Date Cat., T161-STAKO, STAKO, GR, conditions, price, SA, PIR, info record, me32l, me33l, me12, me13, Price Determination, Scheduling Agreement, GR Date, MM06EFKO_PREISFINDUNG_PRDAT, SAPLMEPO, info record, blank, no control, PO, default, purchase order, V1227, MMIMSTD, NETPR, EKPO, KBETR, condition type, vendor condition, inconsistent, agreement type, included, wrong price, 456691, price determination, simulate price, MM06EF0E_EKPO_MEPRF, EKPO-NETWR, EKPO-DIFWR , KBA , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , MM-PUR-PO-GUI , Userinterface - Purchase Orders , Problem
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