In the App 'Output Parameter Determination', upon clicking on "Check" button, the following errors are raised:
- DEC_TAB_FORM_TEMPLATE (Expression): Selected form template XXX is not valid for output type YYY. (Technical Details)
- DEC_TAB_EMAIL_SENDER (Expression): Selected email template XXX is not valid for output type YYY. (Technical Details).
- DT_CHANNEL (Expression): Selected channel XXXX is not valid for output type YYY. (Technical Detals)
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to 'Output Parameter Determination' App.
- Choose any rule from dropdown Show Rules for. For e.g.: 'Sales Document'.
- Select any Determination Step. For e.g.: 'Form Template'. 'Email Template' or 'Channel'.
- Click 'Check'.
BRF+ is not scope dependent, i.e. all business rules pre-delivered by SAP are always deployed. There is no way to make them country or scope dependent. However other settings (like ’Assign Form Templates’ and 'Assign Email Template') are country specific or assigned to a scope item and do not get deployed if not scoped. This leads to issues when checking consistency in BRF+ (Form template not valid) because depending customizing is missing.
The Form Templates and E-Mail Templates assigned to the Output Types in the App 'Output Parameter Determination' must be also assigned in the corresponding configuration step.
Follow the steps below:
- Go to App 'Manage Your Solution'.
- Click on 'Configure Your Solution'.
- Choose Application Area: 'Application Platform and Infrastructure' and Sub Application Area: 'Output Management'.
- Assign the Form Templates or Email Templates to the Application Object Type and Output Type according to the error encountered:
- For Form Templates error, configuration step 'Assign Form Templates' (ID 102313) should be used.
- For Email Templates, configuration step 'Assign Email Templates' (ID 101945) should be used.
The other solution is to delete these rules from the App 'Output Parameter Determination'.
- If the error "Selected channel XXXX is not valid for output type YYY" is issued, then this channel is not supported for the mentioned output type.
Customers are not allowed to add unsupported channels in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition as each channel requires according implementation and the corresponding business application. The application needs to specifically support a channel.
See Also
- Output Management Set Up Guide
- SAP Note 2269304 - Output Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition for Sales Document Default Customization
- SAP Note 2400183 - Output Management in SAP S/4HANA for Settlement Management Document Default Customizing for Cloud Systems
- KBA 2998308 - Selected channel PRINT is not valid for output type PAYM_DD_PRENOTIF - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
- KBA 2941522 - Output Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition - Guided Answer
APOC_OC_CONFIG 112, BRF+, OPD, S4_PC, form, template, e-mail, E-mail, channel, output, configuration, APOC_OC_CONFIG 110, APOC_OC_CONFIG, DT_CHANNEL, EMAIL, DELIVERY_NOTE_ORIG_AR, DELIVERY_PICK_LIST , KBA , CA-GTF-OC , SAP S/4HANA output management , SD-BF-OC , Output Determination , MM-PUR-GF-OC , Message determination and printing , SD-BIL-GF-OC , Output Control Billing , LE-SHP-GF-OM , Delivery Output Management , Problem