The below error is occurring when trying to upload a PDI solution into a target tenant:
Field ZField at business object PQR, node XYZ does not exist (Where ZField is a field name created from adaptation mode (KUT); PQR is the name of the business object and XYZ is the node name)
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Login to the Studio of a target tenant.
- Open the solution.
- Upload the patch version downloaded from the source tenant.
- Upload is complete but the activation failed with the mentioned error.
This error is due to the field in source tenant has one extra persistency compared to the target system.
You will have to extend the attribute (field) to the business object (PQR) and node (XYZ) mentioned in the error message. You can do this from Field Definition (Edit Field) screen.
- Login to the frontend UI of the target tenant.
- Navigate to the screen where the BO belongs to.
- Edit Master Layout.
- Hover on any field and click on settings icon.
- You can see the field definition.
- You can search and find the relevant field and add to the BO.
Solution, activation, failed, Node, does, not, exist, while, activating, the, solution , KBA , AP-RC-BDS-EXT , ByDesign Studio Extensibility , AP-RC-BDS-LM , ByDesign Studio Lifecycle Management , How To