You have an output message type condition maintained with medium 2:telefax - this does not get triggered into a purchase order.
But if the condition maintained with medium 5-external (mail) then even if the vendor master does not have email address (ME 740), the output found, and just at processing of the output message (when print program runs) will throw error that mail is missing.
So the difference is that the fax output does not even found by the determination, the mail found even if not all logical expectations are fulfilled about it.
In the determination analysis (blue I button on messages screen in edit mode) of the outputs you could also see error like
- VN 570 For partner xxx could not determine fax number
For mails, there nothing error showed.
- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
email fax e-mail condition address me740 me 740 vn 570 vn570 me21n me22n me31k me32k me31l me32l me41 me42 me38 determination log , KBA , MM-PUR-GF-OC , Message determination and printing , How To
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