SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2846392 - Creation of new SocialMediaUserProfile Using oData Service Fails


Unable to create Social Media profile using oData Service.

Reproducing the Issue

URL 1:

URL 2:

( where XXXXXX is Customer Tenant ID)

 Use Payload:


"SocialMediaUserCategoryCode": "01",

"ID": "",

"AccountUUID": ""



Below payload also gives the same error.


"SocialMediaUserCategoryCode": "01",

"ID": "",

"AccountInternalID": ""



The Account UUID is an existing Account. From the ODATA call to IndividualCustomerCollection, you can see that it already exist, so C4C should not be creating new account.






<message xml:lang="en">A customer account cannot be created without any information. Please enter at least a last name before saving your entries.</message>


You can use below Payload:

"SocialMediaChannelCode":"001", "(001-Facebook,002-Twitter,etc.)
"ExternalPartyAccountID": Channel ID, "(Social Media channel ID),
"SocialMediaUserAccountID":Social account, "(the account id of Facebook user, *
"SocialMediaUserName":Social Nickname (Nickname of Facebook user, *
"BusinessPartnerRoleCode":"CRM000", (CRM000- individual customer)
"BusinessPartnerUUID":Individual customer's ObjectID

Help portal of the Odata service:


SocialMediaUserProfile , KBA , LOD-CRM-ACC-SUP , Social Media User Profile , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1908