SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2846516 - No Account Information On Customer Invoice Output for Australia


You create a customer invoice for an Australian seller and in the output document there is no Buyer Information.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create an invoice for an Australian company for less than 1000 AUD.
  2. Release the invoice and navigate to the Output History.
  3. Open the Released Invoice.

There is no information on the Buyer within the invoice.


  • The standard Customer Invoice Template for Australia includes a script to remove Buyer information if the Total Amount is less than 1000 AUD.
  • This is in accordance to legal requirements within Australia.
  • You can adjust the Template and remove the script that excludes the Buyer Information.


  1. Open the Standard Template in Adobe LiveCycle Designer.
  2. Query for the following line in the scripts: "(this.decCalculatedAmount.rawValue lt 1000)".
  3. Remove the whole if condition:
    if (this.decCalculatedAmount.rawValue lt 1000) then
    bdyMain.frmAdditionalAddresses.frmShipToAddress.presence = "hidden"
    bdyMain.frmAdditionalAddresses.frmAccountAddress.presence = "hidden"
    bdyMain.frmAddInfoBlock.frmInfoBlock.txtBuyerVATRegID.presence = "hidden"
    bdyMain.frmAddInfoBlock.frmInfoBlock.txtCustomerName.presence = "hidden"

This removes the script in the standard template and now for all Invoices the Buyer information is visible.


Australia, Customer Invoice, Output, Buyer Information, Australien, Kundenrechnung, Ausgabe, Kundeninformationen , KBA , account , template , form , AP-CI-CI-GLO , Cross-Country Extensions , Problem


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