SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2849100 - Contract Line Items Renewed After Being Cancelled in Contracts


  • You have maintained a renewal rule, which does not renew canceled line items in Contracts.
  • In a sample contract you enter a Cancellation Reason for a future date.
  • The Contract is renewed, even though the Status is Cancellation Requested.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a renewal rule and tick the checkbox Stop Renewal On Item Cancellation.
  2. Select a contract with this renewal rule.
  3. Navigate to Items tab.
  4. Select a Cancellation Reason.
  5. Set Cancellation Effective On a future date.

The contract is renewed by the rule, before the cancellation date is reached.


  • When maintaining a cancellation reason, the system sets the line item to Cancellation Requested status.
  • Once the Cancellation Effective On date is reached, the line item is updated to Cancelled status.
  • The checkbox in renewal rules only applies to Cancelled status.
  • If the renewal time is before the Cancellation Effective On date, the renewal is processed.


  • Maintain a Cancellation Effective On date that is before the scheduled renewal.


Vertrag, Erneuerung, Regel, Stornierung, Absage, Contract, Renewal, Rule, Cancellation, Reason , KBA , AP-CCP-CC , Customer Contract , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 1908 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1911