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2849880 - "Unsupported data type [$datatype$] of output parameters for procedure $schema_name$.$procedure_name$" error when running a data model


  • You have created a calculation view.
  • You have created a dynamic SQL-based analytic privilege to restrict row-level access to this view.
  • Since the analytic privilege is dynamic you have also created a stored procedure to apply filter conditions at runtime.
  • You have created a role and granted the analytic privilege to it.
  • And finally you have granted the role to a user.
  • However when this user does a data preview on the calculation view this fails with the following error:

500 insufficient privilege: Could not obtain all relevant analytical privileges for user <user>
accessing view <schema>.<view> due to exception: Invalid SQL AP definition

  • This error is too generic so you increase the trace level to INFO for component INDEXSERVER:authorization as follows:
    1. ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'SYSTEM') SET ('trace', 'authorization') = 'info' WITH RECONFIGURE;
    2. Preview the calculation view with the user affected until the authorization error is returned.
    3. ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'SYSTEM') UNSET ('trace', 'authorization') WITH RECONFIGURE;
    4. Review the latest indexserver trace file.
  • The enhanced authorization trace prints additional information in the indexserver trace file:

Invalid filter procedure: <schema>.<procedure>. Reason: Not supported data type Non-SQL-Type for unary operator EQUAL
Failed to obtain analytical privilege definition: ObjectId(xx,x,oid=xxxxxxxx)(convertToStatic: 1) due to error: Unsupported data type [$datatype$] of output parameters for procedure $schema_name$.$procedure_name$



  • SAP HANA XS Advanced
  • SAP HANA 1.0 SPS12
  • SAP HANA 2.0


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


HANA, XSA, XS Advanced, SQL-Analytic Privilege, stored procedure, calculation view, insufficient privilege, data type, table type, output parameter , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , HAN-DB-DI , SAP HANA DI (HDI): diserver, HDI plugins& client libs , Problem

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