SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2850862 - Why Username is same as UserID while creating Concurrent Employment via Import ?


When we add Concurrent Employment via UI, the new username created for secondary assignment is created as the main assignment username-1, username-2 etc. When we import the additional assignment, why username assigned is same as UserID passed in the file?

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


Employee Central - Concurrent Employment

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Admin Center.
  2. In the Tools search field, type Import Employee Data.
  3. Click the arrow after Download a blank CSV template and select the Employment Details import template.
  4. Fill in the template with person-id-external of the existing user to whom you want to assign the concurrent employment and in the UserID column, enter a New UserID
  5. Go to the Import Employee Data screen, select Employment Details, then browse to find the file. Click Import.


It is expected behavior that the username will be same as userID while importing Employment Details for Concurrent Employment.


We have two workaround to address this behavior.

See Also

  • 2413277 - Concurrent Employment - How does the UserID get created?
  • 2162196 - How to Change Username of an Employee from User Interface?
  • 2457516 - Cannot update/ modify username


Import Concurrent Employment, CE, Concurrent Employment, username, userID, Import, person-id-external , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CON , Concurrent Employment , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions