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2852991 - RMA cannot add a user database called 'system' to HADR


  • SRS supports adding a user database to the Replication system what the name is a reserved word of Replication Server, for example system
  • RMA cannot add that kind of user databases to HADR

    sap_update_replication add_db, system

    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [VerifyDatabases ] - Successfully verified database 'system' exists on ASE Server '<server1>16:4100'.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [VerifyDatabases ] - Successfully verified database 'system' exists on ASE Server '<server2:4100'.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [UpdateReplication ] - Task Update Replication - Action - Updating replication to add a new database 'system' into the HADR system.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [UpdateReplication ] - Task Update Replication - Action - Add database 'system' into Replication Servers.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [AddASEDatabaseForDisaster] - Task Add Database to Replication - Action - Verifying existing servers provide support for adding database 'system' to replication.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [AddASEDatabaseForDisaster] - Task Add Database to Replication - Action - Adding database 'system' to replication.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [AddASEDatabaseForDisaster] - Task Add Database to Replication - Action - Adding database 'system' to the replication server on host '<host>'.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [AddLocalASEDatabaseForDis] - Task Add Local Database to Replication - Action - Verifying existing servers provide support for adding database 'system' to replication.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [AddLocalASEDatabaseForDis] - Task Add Local Database to Replication - Action - Adding database 'system' to replication.
    [INFO ] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [AddLocalASEDatabaseForDis] - Task Add Local Database to Replication - Action - Adding database 'system' to the replication server on host '<host>'.
    [ERROR] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [CreateConnection ] - Task CreateConnection - Failed with Exception - Message: 'Line 1, character 35: Incorrect syntax with the keyword 'system'.' Cause: ''.
    [TRACE] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [CreateConnection ] - Task CreateConnection - Failed with Stack Trace - Line 1, character 35: Incorrect syntax with the keyword 'system'.com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybSQLException: Line 1, character 35: Incorrect syntax with the keyword 'system'.
    [ERROR] [Update Replication:15233][RMA] - [CreateConnection ] - Line 1, character 35: Incorrect syntax with the keyword 'system'.



    • SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
    • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 with Always-on Option (HADR)


    SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Replication Server 16.0


    CR#820295, CR 820295, 820295, HADR , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed

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