While utilizing Database Migration Option of Software Update Manager (SUM-DMO), SUM tool fails with below error
R3LOAD EXPORT ERRORS Find the detailed log in MIGRATE_DT_<number>_RFBLG_EXP.LOG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A1 EEXP 000 ====================================================
A1 ESTR 004 Found logical cluster description for RFBLG in S:\SUM2\SUM\abap\load\migrate_dt/SAPRFBLG.STR.logical
A2 EEXP 001 ----------------------------------------------------
A1 ETSK 005 Starting export for object "RFBLG" of type "table" #
A1 EEXP 014 Table RFBLG will be exported without sorting (task modifier).
A1EEEXP 010 Task failed with error: Maximum file size 104857600 reached for SWP file
A1EEEXP 010 (EXP) Row key is '100|1100|0090130341|2011'
A1EEEXP 010 (EXP) DbSlExeRead failed due to error in supply function
A1 EGEN 002 ====================================================
A1 EDMP 010 Resource usage: GENERAL times: 2.740/ 1.070/ 0.391 0.1%/ 0.7%/ 1.7% real/usr/sys
A1 EDMP 010 Resource usage: DATABASE times: 163.543/ 33.959/ 11.739 3.3%/23.4%/50.9% real/usr/sys
A1 EDMP 010 Resource usage: PIPE times: 4850.840/ 110.096/ 10.932 96.7%/75.9%/47.4% real/usr/sys
A1 EDMP 009 Memory usage: 12/0 MB buffer/disk (0 reused buffers)
A1EEGEN 000 A1EEGEN 025 Number of error(s): 1 1 ETP111 exit code : "8"
- SUM 2.0 SP05
- SUM 2.0 SP06
- SUM 2.0 SP07
- SUM 2.0 SP08
- SUM 2.0 SP09
- SUM 2.0 SP10
- SUM 2.0 SP11
- SUM 2.0 SP12
- SUM 2.0 SP13
- SUM 2.0 SP14
- SUM 2.0 SP15
RFBLG, SWP, 104857600, Maximum file size, SAPup_add.par , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem
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