- What is the required information when opening an case for SAP Datasphere?
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- KBA 3509202 - SAP Datasphere (DS) - What is supported and what is consulting
SAP Datasphere
creating, create, ticket, reporting, report, cases, perfect, tickets, log, cpea, dwc, data warehouse cloud, components, component, incident , KBA , DS-ADM , Administration , DS-AUT , Authorizations (Locks, etc.) , DS-BB , Business Builder , DS-DI-CON , Connections , DS-DI-RT , Remote Tables , DS-DI-DF , Data Flows , DS-DI-SCH , Scheduling and Task Chains , DS-DI-TAB , Table Persistency , DS-DI-DT , Data Tiering , DS-MD , Modeling (Data Builder) , DS-MD-DF , Data Flow , DS-MD-TAB , Tables , DS-MD-VIW , Views , DS-SEC , Security (Users, Roles) , DS-SM , Space Management , DS-MD-REPO , Repository Backend , DS-BWB , BW Bridge , DS-DI-RF , Replication Flows , DS-CAT , Unified Cataloguing solution , DS-BB-ODATA , To address issues related to Odata consumption API , DS-DI-TRF , Transformation Flows , DS-API-CLI , SAP Datasphere Command-Line Interface , How To
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