- You are uploading a Role from Backend system and you receive an error similar to the below:
"[] Connection failed, please refer to SAP note\# 1940155 for troubleshooting assistance
[EXCEPTION] Connection Failed: A nested exception occurred. Could not initialize physical connection. - message at<SYSTEM_ALIAS>,<LOCALE>,Administrator,TWPN_GET_AV_ROLES,ROLES,{ROLE_RANGE=*<SEARCH_TERM>*, GET_SUBTYPES=X, LANGUAGE=E}): Connection not available for system '<SYSTEM_ALIAS>'
Connection Failed: A nested exception occurred. Could not initialize physical connection.
Original exception:
com.sapportals.connector.connection.ConnectionFailedException: Connection Failed: A nested exception occurred. Could not initialize physical connection.
at com.sapportals.connectors.SAPCFConnector.SAPConnectorException.getNewConnectionFailedLocalizedException(
..." - You may be logging on to the Enterprise Portal as the Administrator user
- You have correctly configured your System Landscape (including System Aliases, e.g: SAP_ECC_HumanResources, SAP_SRM, SAP_EREC_TalentManagement, SAP_ECC_Travel etc.) to point to your backend system(s)
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java Release Independent
- Enterprise Portal
SAP NetWeaver all versions
connection, fail, back-end, back, end, connectivity, admin, administrator, fatal, system, object, alias, ecc, erp, srm, hcm, ess, mss, xss, upload, import, export, abap, r3 , KBA , EP-PIN-PSL , Portal System Landscape , EP-PIN-AI , Application Integration , EP-PIN-NAV , Navigation , EP-PIN-PCD , Portal Content Directory , Problem
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