You are a customer planning to upgrade your PQM system from FS-PQM 300 (also known as, FS-PQM 7.6) release to FS-PQM 400.5, and you want to review the list of changes and fixes in order to analyze possible impact to your system and customizations.
- SAP Product and Quotation Management for Insurance
- SAP Product Lifecycle Management for Insurance
- SAP Underwriting for Insurance
- SAP Insurance Portals and Workplaces
SAP Product and Quotation Management for Insurance 3.0 ; SAP Product and Quotation Management for Insurance 4.0
upgrade, FS-PRO 400.5, FS-QUO 400.5 , KBA , FS-PRO , Product Management Insurance , FS-QUO , Quotation Management Insurance , FS-IPW , Insurance Portals & Workplaces , How To
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