- Installation of XSAC_HRTT 1.2.7 fails on XSA 1.0.119+ or higher release on HANA 2.0.
- The following error is displayed when running xs install:
Installation of the component XSAC_HRTT ( 1.2.7 failed during deployment.
Error staging application "hrtt-service": 200 Application staging failed
A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
- Logs of the application (xs logs hrtt-service) contain the following error:
[STG/1] OUT Node.js
[STG/1] OUT Node.js buildpack version 4.1.0
[STG/1] OUT Available Node.js runtimes: node10.15,node6.15,node8.15
[STG/1] ERR Error: Node.js engine matching ~4.x is not provided by the current version of the XS OnPremise runtime.
- SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced model - patch level 119 or higher
- SAP HANA Platform 2.0
xs advanced , KBA , HAN-WDE-RTT , SAP Web IDE for Hana Runtime and SQL Tools , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , Problem
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