While migrating object 'QM - Master inspection characteristic' in cloud environment using 'Migrate Your Data', the simulation returns notifications:
- 'Enter a selected set' (QP411)
- 'Records cannot be posted to the target system; see previous messages' (DMC_RT_MSG222).
- SAP Quality Management (QM)
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Open app 'Manage Your Solution'.
- Click 'Migrate Your Data'.
- Click the affected migration project.
- Click migration object 'QM - Master inspection characteristic'.
- Click 'Start Transfer' with relevant XML file.
- Do steps 'Validate Data' and 'Convert Values'.
- After step 'Simulate Import', following error message is returned:
'Enter a selected set' (QP411).
Migration object 'QM - Master inspection characteristic' is basically using BAPI BAPI_QPMK_SAVEREPLICA for data upload. Therefore, the explanation in the KBA below can help to understand the message QP411 with its screenshots:
2763466 - 'BAPI_QPMK_SAVEREPLICA: error QP411 - Enter a selected set'
Some highlights from the document:
I. Prerequisites for the master inspection characteristic to be created:
1. Qualitative Characteristic,
2. 'Complete Copy Model' (QPMK-KONSISTENT = 1) or 'Reference Characteristic' (QPMK-KONSISTENT = X),
3. Control Indicator 'Charac. attribute' is active (from F1 Help: Reference to Characteristic Attribute Required - "If you set this indicator, the inspection characteristic is marked as an attributive characteristic, whose allowed values are defined as a selected set from catalog 1 (characteristic attributes)...")
II. Important that selected set assignment to master inspection characteristics can happen on 2 levels
a. directly to the master inspection characteristic and
b. to the inspection method.
BAPI_QPMK_SAVEREPLICA returns the error QP411 - 'Enter a selected set' properly, if only the inspection catalog for the inspection method (point II.b.) is entered into the BAPI table MSTCHA_INSP_METH.
In the cloud environment
- Qualitative Characteristic is identified via S_CONTROL_IND-QUANTITAT = empty;
- 'Complete Copy Model' or 'Reference Characteristic' is identified via S_QPMK-KONSISTENT (1 or X);
- Control Indicator 'Charac. attribute' is identified via S_CONTROL_IND-PRUEFKAT = X;
- MSTCHA_INSP_METH is basically S_QPMZ in the XML file.
Short legend for the XML file:
Table | Name |
Master Insp. Char. Basic Data |
Inspection Methods or Catalogs |
Charact. Control Indicators |
Master Insp. Char. Long Texts |
Based on the solutions in KBA 2763466, in cloud it looks like:
- create the characteristic as 'Incomplete Copy Model' by S_QPMK-KONSISTENT = empty
OR - deactivate the Characteristic Attribute inspection by S_CONTROL_IND-PRUEFKAT = empty
OR - the characteristic to be created requires a selected set to be assigned directly to the master inspection characteristic (MIC):
in table S_QPMZ leave blank the fields WERKPM, PMETHODE, VMETHOD, ANONR while filling the fields KATAB1, KATALGART1, AUSWMENGE1, AUSWMGWRK1 (also ZAEHLER, MKMNR, POSNR).
See Also
In case error QP480 is faced after eliminating message QP411, check KBA:
2857652 - 'Migrate Your Data - Error 'The current valid version of &1 is not released' (QP480)'.
QM-PT-BD, QM-PT-BD-ICH, QM-PT-IP, migration cockpit, QP 411, DMC_RT_MSG 222, import, transfer, upload, BAPI, source data, Merkmal, catalog, Auswahlmenge , KBA , QM-PT-BD-ICH , Inspection Characteristic , QM-PT-IP , Inspection Planning , QM-PT-BD-ICH-2CL , Inspection Characteristic (Public Cloud) , QM-PT-BD , Basic Data , Problem