- The boot-time recovery of an IMRSLOG enabled database failed due to the following error:
Error: 12406, Severity: 21, State: 8
Failed to find the last row marker for transaction (1024427,2) in sysimrslogs for database 'myDB' (6). The sysimrslogs row is corrupted.
- This database is involved in the HADR setup.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
- High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)
- In-Memory Row Storage (IMRS)
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
CR814919, CR#814919, 814919, stream, synchronous, replication , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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