SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2859577 - CPM Capture Meeting label doesn't change - Mobile - Continuous Performance Management


I have disabled the 'Coaching' feature in CPM Settings but the label 'Coaching' still shows up in the Capture Meeting pop up on Mobile app


SAP SuccessFactors Continuous Performance Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log into the instance
  2. Go to Admin Center > Performance Management > Continuous Performance Management
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page
  4. Disable the 'Enable Coaching' box
  5. Log into SF mobile app
  6. Capture a 1:1 Meeting
  7. See that the label 'coaching' still appears in the pop up message

CPM mobile screenshot.png


This is the system expected behavior. Currently it's not possible to change the CPM Capture Meeting display text as it's a system standard text that explains what the Capture Meeting functionality does.
Also, this text is not affected by the enabling or disabling of 'Coaching' or 'Other Topics' feature.

As you can see in the Enable Coaching information icon located in Admin Center > Performance Management > Continuous Performance Management, the Coaching functionality allows managers to provide guidance to their direct reports on what they're doing well and what they can improve. It doesn't refer to the disabling of any text fields related to Coaching on mobile.

CPM coaching settings.png

See Also

KBA 2686297 - Capture Meeting not working - Continuous Performance Management 


mobile, CPM, capture meeting label, display text, continuou performance management, SF app , KBA , LOD-SF-CPM-MOB , Mobile , LOD-SF-CPM , Continuous Performance Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions