User try to run an Order-Related replenishment for some product when an open warehouse request exists, but the system displays the following message while the replenishment is executed in transaction /SCWM/REPL:
No replenishment to execute - Message no. /SCWM/REPL009
The following configuration is already in place in your system, but the issue persists:
- User have an open warehouse request without enough stock in the source storage type to supply the requested quantity.
- User have set up the Order-Related replenishment strategy and your current stock is lower than the minimum quantity defined in the product master (/SCWM/MAT1).
- User have correctly defined the rough bin determination and the ODO item has already a source storage type assigned.
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Warehouse Order Processing (SCM-EWM-WOP)
SAP Extended Warehouse Management all versions
pick, delivery, outbound, order, refuel, replenish, /SCWM/REPLENISHMENT_CALC , KBA , SCM-EWM-WOP-REP , Replenishment , Problem
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