While executing a Test plan using "Test your Process" application, the below error occurs:
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 1911
Reproducing the Issue
- Open "Manage your solution" App.
- Click "Test Your process" App.
- Execute one of the test plans available in the system.
Error occurs as the test plan is not executed with the Default role maintained in the Manage User tab.
As a workaround, please maintain the role "DEFAULT" for at least one of the Process Steps preferably the first one.
We are providing a fix for it and it will be made available as part of SAP S/4HANA CE 1911 HFC04 which will be available in the system on or after 9th December 2019.
s4_pc, ca-ctt-s4c, default, roles, TAT, test your process, Manage user, test user, default role, no access, s4hc , KBA , CA-CTT-S4C , CTT-Customer Test Tool, S4C-START for S/4HANA CE , Problem