SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2861636 - DEFAULT user doesn't have roles to access TAT APP


While executing a Test plan using "Test your Process" application, the below error occurs:

 Error message


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 1911

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open "Manage your solution" App.
  2. Click "Test Your process" App.
  3. Execute one of the test plans available in the system.


Error occurs as the test plan is not executed with the Default role maintained in the Manage User tab.


As a workaround, please maintain the role "DEFAULT" for at least one of the Process Steps preferably the first one.

We are providing a fix for it and it will be made available as part of SAP S/4HANA CE 1911 HFC04 which will be available in the system on or after 9th December 2019.


s4_pc, ca-ctt-s4c, default, roles, TAT, test your process, Manage user, test user, default role, no access, s4hc , KBA , CA-CTT-S4C , CTT-Customer Test Tool, S4C-START for S/4HANA CE , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1911